Name: Tara Christine Dorn

Birthdate: March 20, 1979

Age: 22

Sun Sign: Pisces

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Green

Height: 5'7'

Weight: 113 lbs

Available? No, I've been dating Tom Heiser for almost 2 years now :) He's a very sweet, lovable guy. Wouldn't trade him for anything ;)

Hobbies: Spending time with Tom, Shopping, Watching Movies, & Listening to music.

Occupation: Currently I am Receptionist but soon will be the Office Manager at College Directory Publishing.

What am I good at: Being Bitchy

What am I not good at: Waking up in the morning

Turn Ons: TOM ;)

Turn Offs: Stuck Up People (like this girl I work with).


What depresses me: Not having money when I want to buy something.